If your Seo campaign doesn’t work, you’ll probably find the answer to your questions between one of these 7 reasons.

The crazy race to the conquest of the first position, the perennial chase to want to overcome the competitors, the desire to follow at all costs the latest SEO trends, inevitably leads to make mistakes.

SEO has always been a holistic discipline and the final result is always obtained only by the sum of several factors (often independent of each other) and that is why not always the achievement of the first position is synonymous with victory and skill.

Also because maintaining the first position means to be always and constantly operational so that for less experienced SEOs to maintain their presence online (or that of customers) has become more difficult than ever.

And if it’s difficult to be visible for small brands, let’s imagine what’s behind the Search Engine Optimization strategies of international brands that are almost always looking for traffic and visibility.

If your SEO strategy is really working, you will most likely start to see the first results after at least three months. If instead after months and months of hard work the first fruits still do not ripen, most likely your SEO campaign is not working as it should.

1. Your site cannot be crawled

The biggest mistake, is to have a site that can’t be crawled.

Google uses a web crawler (robot or GoogleBot) to find and index web pages by following links. If your  good content is really hard to find, Google will not be able to scan, index and classify the content.

To solve this problem, we recommend checking your website to ensure you can reach each page by clicking on regular links (text only). Therefore, each page must be reachable by at least one text link, and you must use text instead of images to display important names, content or links (Google’s crawler does not recognize the text contained in the images).

2. You Don’t use words that people are looking for

Do your pages use the words people are looking for? Otherwise, users will not be able to find your website.

For example, if you have a page about the height of Mount Everest, it is not enough to just put the words “Mount Everest height”, but you will have to use words like “how high Mount Everest is”, because people will also be able to type these words into the search box.

Or, a restaurant’s website should include its text-based menu, not just a PDF, and also include opening hours.

The solution: enter the right words on the page. Describe what you do by including keywords that people might be looking for.

3. You focus too much on link building

Are you too focused on building links, and not enough on making your content interesting and marketing it for your site?

Rather than thinking of your work as building links for search engines,  you should focus on doing something interesting – offering a reason why people really want to use your website – then also think of the market more broadly (for example, talking to journalists, doing billboards, paying for advertising, guerrilla marketing, doing public relations with people in the industry).

4. Your site has bad titles and descriptions

Pay close attention to your title and description tags, especially on your home page or high traffic pages.

Is your page title “Untitled” or something that, if a user added it to their favorites, would make it difficult to find afterwards?

Your description (which usually looks like the fragment below the link to your site in the search results) should encourage people to click on your results, making it clear to those seeking that the site provides an answer to their request or is a good resource. For more information on meta description, you could read my article on meta tag description optimization.

We suggest you to run tests experimenting with different meta descriptions of high traffic pages to see what is the best result.

5. Your hosting provider is so bad

The hosting provider plays a very important role in determining the performance of a website. If you choose unreliable and competent web hosting, you are “killing” your search engine ranking.

Choosing the right host and investing in a reliable provider is the basis from which to start with a unique and valuable content.

6. Your bounce rate is so High

If a website has an unusually high bounce rate this could be one of the key factors why an SEO campaign does not work as well as it should. The bounce rate and its metrics are easily monitored with Google Analytics.

To get an idea, if too many people leave a website after visiting only one page, this will lead to a high bounce rate and therefore you need to investigate why this action by users.

7. You are not using Webmaster resources

There are plenty of free resources to help you make your site more visible on the engines. Use them!

In addition to providing tools for webmasters, Google provides resources including articles, forums, blogs and videos. You can find tons of free resources at http://www.google.com/webmasters/.